Newbie with $1500 and a wife pushing for Bose

Ok, i have been lurking only for a short time to fully understand how absolutly little I know about audio components.

I have attempted to research products via this site and others to attempt to find the best possible set up for my "allowance" as she says.

My current equipment - Sony 46" 16x9 rear projection, Sony DVP-NS715P DVD player, COMCASTS HDTV box.

My needs: Receiver, Amplifier (dont know if necesary), and Speakers

How I currenlty use my system: Almost 100% for movies/tv but want to move to music as well and remove the "boom box" CD player we have. (I know utterly sad)

My original thought was to go 100% Sony with but after some research and no real talk of sony I came here.

stay away from bose. their gimmick is in the marketing, not the sound. just bring a cd to demo speakers that you are both familiar with. your ears will tell you which speakers to get. believe me, comparing bose to just about anything on the market will eliminate them quickly.
For a 3800 to 4200 cubic foot room those small bose speakers will not have the balls to fill your room with music (or noise).
IMOP the best value in speakers are those Candian speaker manufacturers ie. Energy, Mirage, Athena Technologies (all under Audio Products International), Paradigm, PSB and a few others.
For an A/V Receiver I would choose Denon, an AVR-1804 or an used AVR-2802. (both at 90w/ch) ($350 - $450)
In the classifieds on this site is a complete Athena Technologies system (4 matching bookshelves , a center and a 10 inch sub) all for $600.
Good Luck but please no bose.
I didn't even think of the NAD "combo" unit. That would be both convenient and of good quality, but it doesn't do surround sound at all. My guess is that this was a big part of the equation since Eric stated "Almost 100% for movies/tv but want to move to music as well". With that in mind, i think that the NAD would be a great piece for a bedroom or any other secondary type of system. Sean
I'm sure your Sony DVD-NS715P dvd player also plays cds. That would free up the cd player budget towards the A/V Receiver, Speakers, Cables and Stands.
One more thing you need to look at is do you need a receiver with componet video switching (dvd player and the HDTV box) or does your Sony TV have more than one of the componet inputs or you could use the s-video for one of your video sources.