Digital Preamp NO video switching

Hi guys and gals,

what are my options for a no video switching digital preamp other than Bryston SP 1.7 ?

I have an AVP to replace because all my video switching is done by my Elite Quadscan HD.

What do you think? The market does not seem to offer much and while I like what I read about the Bryston, I don't like the look of it and its cost.
Unfortunately, EAD doesn't make a processor without video switching. But the sonics are MUCH better than the Bryston...and I think they are better than Meridian too.

So for me, I just waste the video stuff.
I wouldnt go so far as to say the EAD is "much better" than the Bryston or Meridian. Different? Yes. Better? Maybe. All are worthy of audition.

Having said that, I should also add that I do not care for artificially colored sound, unless it offers something in the way of synergy with your system. i.e. quashed treble. Some folks will want to impose their opinion of "warm sound" on you. (Personally I like nuetral)

I am not saying EAD is "warm sounding" in fact it is very neutral. The Bryston is most definitely not "colored" sounding and will be quite revealing. Maybe not someones elses cup-of-tea but it sure was mine.

I lingered a little long on "sonics" when in fact you didnt even ask about them. Sorry. As far as the original question about video switching. I think you could use an outboard switcher with any Pre/Pro and gain the benefit of not introducing possible video noise. (Although that doesnt take into account the extra circuits and what-nots inside the Processor itself)

I agree, the lack of video switching was a portion of my criteria when searching for an upgraded Pre/Pro recently. Besides the Bryston and Meridian I cant think of any other Pre/Pros taht dont have video switching built in. I'll probablt think of one about 2 minutes after I hit the "Submit now" button.

We all love our equipment...and that's great. I've a/b compared lots of pre/pros in my system including Meridian, Bryston and EAD.

You prefer Bryston, i prefer EAD. That's what makes the world go 'round. I think lots of this depends on system synergy, speakers, room, personal tastes etc.

I must say, I do not find the EAD processors to add coloration or be particularly warm sounding. Rather, I find the processor to be quite neutral.

HBrandt, very true. But would not AGW have been served better had you said that in the first place?!

What do you think I should have differently in the first place?? This guy was asking for opinions. I've had the Bryston, a Meridian 568, and the EADs in my setup.

I've done A/B comparison of each.

I prefered the EAD significantly over the Bryston.

That's what I said in the first place...and what i say now.

If you've directly A/B compared them...I'd be interested in your opinion.
