Digital Preamp NO video switching

Hi guys and gals,

what are my options for a no video switching digital preamp other than Bryston SP 1.7 ?

I have an AVP to replace because all my video switching is done by my Elite Quadscan HD.

What do you think? The market does not seem to offer much and while I like what I read about the Bryston, I don't like the look of it and its cost.
Its just that your opinion sounds very uninformed. Especially the "much better" part. But I digress, who am I to disagree, the "experienced audiophile friend" hath spoken.

Its no big deal, its just wrong. Whether that be by design or ignorance, it doesnt matter. All the processors mentioned sound good, are very capable, and top-notch performers. I am not saying EAD isnt, like you did Bryston and Meridian.

"What do you think I should have differently in the first place??"

If you really want to know. In you're own words.


"You prefer Bryston, i prefer EAD. That's what makes the world go 'round. I think lots of this depends on system synergy, speakers, room, personal tastes etc.

Instead of this.....

"But the sonics are MUCH better than the Bryston...and I think they are better than Meridian too."

I can't believe I'm dignifying this absurd thread any further. You seem to have quite a need to defend your Bryston. Why that is, I can only speculate. But, the reality is...that this forum is all about people asking for and getting the opinions of others. The thread asked for opinions about processors...and I gave my 2 cents.

You are now stating that my opinions are "uninformed" with no personal knowledge of how informed or "uninformed" they may be. In this regard, you show your own ignorance and arrogance. I've simply stated my opinions and my basis and rationale for those opinions.

I took a look at some of your own past threads...and noticed that, despite your criticism of me, you seem to allow yourself to state your own opinions rather freely. For example:

"01-15-04: Distortion
I dont want to get too far off my original tube question, but....
When I was using a Rotel Pre/Pro I had some upper midrange glare or harshness, when I upgraded to a Bryston processor it cleared up."

Here's another example:
"07-14-03: Distortion
Thanks for your recommendation of Classe Pre/pros. I gave them a try, but the Brystons dynamics and extension in bypass was superior, by my ear anyway."

I guess it's OK for you to state your preference for Bryston over Rotel or Classe....using words like "superior".....but it's NOT OK for me to state my preference for EAD using words like "much better". And of course I presume your view of the Rotel "glare and harshness" and the Bryston "dynamics and extension" was INFORMED but my view of the EAD was UNINFORMED. Right? You seem to have a vastly different set rules for others than you do for yourself!!!! You really do have a significant problem. i hope you read this post carefully so that you can see it for yourself as I am sure others can.

Also, I should point out that you also have a have a nasty penchant for misquoting. For example, you stated earlier:
"I guess that depends on one's definition of significant. I must have lousy ears. Because, I found all of the Processors (even the one's which you obviously you think sound poor) to sound quite good."

I NEVER said anywhere that any processors sounded "poor". In fact, I agree that most of the processors discussed are quite good. I simply stated my personal preference for the EAD. Needless to say...that's why I bought it. Particularly since I chose a processor with video switching even though I was hoping to find one without it (such as the Bryston). The point I was making, if you could have understood it, was that I chose EAD for sonics even though I would have preferred the Bryston because of the video switching issue.

Next time I'm asked for an opinion, I'll follow your advice and say...

"Gee....I understand you're looking for pre/pro advice....and I've listened to the Bryston and the EAD and several others....but before I tell you which one I think sounded "different" but not necessarily "better" to me....let me tell you that it's a free country...and there may be others (like Distortion) who like the Bryston a whole bunch better.....and it's really a matter of system synergy and other components anyway......and I don't want to offend any defensive Bryston owners (like Distortion)....because they would NEVER EVER state their opinion that they think their Bryston is better or superior.....but having said all of that....I happened to have liked the way the EAD sounded quite a bit more than the Bryston much so....that I decided to buy a pre/pro with video switching even though I didn't need or want video switching. And please note that I haven't used words like better, much better and superior!!!!"

By the way...I think you've picked an excellent moniker.

Better is OK, superior even.

See one of my previous post. I suppose It all boils down to how one defines "much better" or "significantly better."

I defend ALL products when they are being unfairly smeared. Bryston happens to be a regular target though.

"And please note that I haven't used words like better, much better and superior!!!!"

Well done, because that first post sounded as if any who had/have a Meridian or a Bryston might as well have a bowl full of turds.

Thanks about the moniker, it has been around for a long time, I still play the Guitar a little and I love my distortion.
Wow, aren't you the reigning expert in how to appropriately discuss equipment!!! Thanks so much for the tips. NOT!!!

You wrote:
"Better is OK, superior even."

From now on....I'll say "better" or "superior"...but not "much better."

You wrote:
"See one of my previous post. I suppose It all boils down to how one defines "much better" or "significantly better." "

I'm glad that you can set the standard for how "one defines" these. Perhaps you should publish your standards!!!

You wrote:
"I defend ALL products when they are being unfairly smeared. Bryston happens to be a regular target though."

Well, aren't you special!!? You are the supreme defender of unfair smear campaigns!! That is, unless you're doing the comparisons and critical of other equipment, like Classe and Rotel as noted in quotes earlier. But god forbid someone likes something better than Bryston...and you view it as "unfair" and "smear". It's good that you get to decide what is being "unfairly" smeared. Also, I'm very surprised that you viewed a simple statement that I thought the EAD sounded "much better" than the Bryston as a "smear" campaign......but somehow manage to view your criticisms of Rotel and Classe as valid and fair. You just cannot see or acknowledge how hypocritical you are. You also just cannot seem to tolerate that someone doesn't love a piece of equipment that YOU OWN. God forbid.

You wrote:
"Well done, because that first post sounded as if any who had/have a Meridian or a Bryston might as well have a bowl full of turds."

Not at all. Reread the post. I simply said that EAD sounded (to me, of couse) much better. I never said a negative word about Meridian or Bryston. Isn't anyone (except you) allowed to make a simple comparison here?

You wrote:
"Thanks about the moniker, it has been around for a long time, I still play the Guitar a little and I love my distortion."

I'm glad your happy with your moniker!! I just wish you were a touch more insightful.

I see this discussion has you agitated.

Without being gratuitously immature. I would like to say.....

To be honest, having heard all of these Processors on many occasions, in many environments, including my home. I must say (once again) that the Bryston, EAD, and Meridian perform very, very close (along with others). To claim one is evidently superior to the other sounds like Bull$hi* to me. Sorry, you got called on this. You could have left my first post unanswered.

Maybe it is product defense. But, I would rather be defending something I know, than spouting something I dont.

Neither of our post are being beneficial. Obviously we cant settle our differences through typing. So maybe, it would better serve our fellow A'goners if we just leave it at that.