Ok, sure...let's end this useless thread. I think we'll all feel better. But just let me ask a couple of final questions. How do you reconcile the following comments you have made?:
"08-16-03: Distortion
I compared many pre/pros before settling on the Bryston. It easily beat Krell(showcase), Rotel(1066), Integra(RD7 I think), B & K (Ref30 and 50), Sunfire(TG3), and Acurus. The Classe SSP-30 was very close. "
"04-19-04: Distortion
To be honest, having heard all of these Processors on many occasions, in many environments, including my home. I must say (once again) that the Bryston, EAD, and Meridian perform very, very close (along with others). To claim one is evidently superior to the other sounds like Bull$hi* to me. "
Well, Distortion?? It seems like you consider your own post of
4/19/04 to be total Bull$hi* if we follow the reasoning of your
8/16/03 post. Or are you the only one who is allowed to come to some conclusions when comparing equipment around here? Or are conclusions only valid when they support that your components are superior (as opposed to inferior) to others??
In all my days on Audiogon, AVS forum, and Audioasylum, I've never seen ANYBODY with your degree of persistant arrogance or inconsistency.
Have you really had an EAD processor in your home?? Which one??
"08-16-03: Distortion
I compared many pre/pros before settling on the Bryston. It easily beat Krell(showcase), Rotel(1066), Integra(RD7 I think), B & K (Ref30 and 50), Sunfire(TG3), and Acurus. The Classe SSP-30 was very close. "
"04-19-04: Distortion
To be honest, having heard all of these Processors on many occasions, in many environments, including my home. I must say (once again) that the Bryston, EAD, and Meridian perform very, very close (along with others). To claim one is evidently superior to the other sounds like Bull$hi* to me. "
Well, Distortion?? It seems like you consider your own post of
4/19/04 to be total Bull$hi* if we follow the reasoning of your
8/16/03 post. Or are you the only one who is allowed to come to some conclusions when comparing equipment around here? Or are conclusions only valid when they support that your components are superior (as opposed to inferior) to others??
In all my days on Audiogon, AVS forum, and Audioasylum, I've never seen ANYBODY with your degree of persistant arrogance or inconsistency.
Have you really had an EAD processor in your home?? Which one??