What makes your Home Theater system

I went to see "Hellboy" the other night at the local IMAX theater. I must say this film was quite impressive on a grand scale! Very very very dynamic and powerful indeed. I always like to go see these types of blockbuster action flicks at a good cineplex first, so I can compare to home systems for refernce, at the very least. (I like to remember what it was like on the big system/screen in the back of my mind).
There is a lot about these large theaters and powerful suuround systems that is to be admired. Yet I find that the theater experience is quite diferent from what most of us experience at home on our systems...for better or worse. I'm wondering if anyone here as any input as to what it is about "their system" that they feel makes it special?!
Please be specific about equipment, room, set up, acoustics, whatever. Thanks for input
My first objection to theatres is noise. People who speak, rattle their popcorn or candy sacks, or forgot to turn off their cell phone.

The large space of a movie theatre is great, but even with all that acoustic treatment, the sound is seldom perfectly balanced. Two weeks ago my son and I saw "Dawn of The Dead" and the left channel was considerably louder than the right. We were not at the first showing so there was no excuse for the calibration being so far off.

Aside from the error in balance, the sound was too loud. I have not viewed a movie in several years that was not too loud and combined with overly bright, gritty distortion in high's, I resort to a layer of Kleenex in each ear.

Recent movies such as "Kill Bill" and "Dawn of the Dead" were both single layer Kleenex movies. The old "Jurassic Park" required full ear plugs and was still uncomfortable in places.

Recently a movie had several scenes where the boom microphone clearly dipped into view. At first I thought this was for effect or a minor slip up but when this happened all during the film it prompted me to ask the management about it. Surprisingly I found that many theatres control the crop with shutters on the projector and if not set properly the audience sees outside the intended area. We were offered an apology and told it would be calibrated. Perhaps yet another reason to watch on the "big screen" at home.

Still, the movie theatre has its attraction. Particularly if you don't want to wait for the DVD release. The really good movies I rent or purchase when they become available and watch again at home.

My own system is a fraction of the distortion, has tighter imaging and steering (ability to switch to correct channel with image) and beautiful bandwidth without harshness. Best of all, I don't play it at levels that damage my hearing.

If you wish to view my system click on the link. My home theatre gear is all tube. My side channels are bi amped and bi wired tube. Dialogue is driven by an Atma-Sphere OTL.
While I agree that seeing movies on a grand scale does indeed heighten the impact of the film , I agree with AP that the typical theatre has poor sound quality. Imax however has excellent sound equipment compared to about any theatre and I too find seeing something there { saw Matrix Reloaded last year } an absolute blast. Lets do get real however . Hellboy a blockbuster? Maybe a gut buster . I was hysterically laughing in the theatre but at all the wrong , untentially funny moments. I am assuming you are limiting your comments to the scale and impact of the Imax " experience " in the post. The juvenile script , uninspiring campy tone and horrendous special effects add up to one really dissapointing film from an excellent up and coming director who showed his stuff in Mimic and Blade 2. Del Torro { director } recently said of Blade 2 that it was just a " dress rehearsal " and watch what he can do with a real budget. I say take his wallet. Film is subjective too a point and agreeing on what constitutes a good film varies wildly so this is my take on it. Its a critical success if the Tomatometer site is to be believed . that said , if an Imax was in my town and it was playing there , i would have gone too ; hee hee .
I too use all tubes at home. (CJ 5s and 8s) so the sound is always 'hard,-- & too loud' at the c'plex. I haven't been to one of these Imax theaters yet but when we saw 'Kill bill' the picture quality was 'sad' !!--- It comes to dvd on the 4/17, I can't wait!! I got a 14k projector at home for comparison.--