Denon DVD-2900 or Pioneer DV-868AVi-S ??

Denon DVD-2900 or Pioneer DV-868AVi-S ??
Which of these two multy players are better in :
1) DVD-video picture quality ??
2) Multy channel DVD-audio ?
3) Multy channel SACD ?

According to Dan Wright, in its stock form the 2900 is not very compelling, and indeed the NS999ES is a better player. However, after nearly identical mods, Dan claims that the Denon 2900 it clearly superior to the NS999ES. From all that I have read, if you are really considering the 2900, look into the results that people are getting from modded units.

i have the 2900 now for 6 mos. i have to say that it has a great picture and sacd/dvd-a sound very good.this replaced
a sony dvd7700-a great unit for its time and now it is being used as a cd player because it far better than most stand alone will not be unhappy with the 2900 and the critics say it is the "one".i like pioneer elite for the receivers but they seem to suffer in the picture dept. so i stay away.i hope i have helped you.feel free to email me.joe