I think the Fujitsus and Pannys both get quite high marks for PQ--definitely second the recommendation regarding the "golden eyes" of the AVSForum and their discussions. I won't buy anything video related w/o their blessing...
After looking a bit, I ended up buying a 42" Panny commercial EDTV, not the HDTV version. From my viewing distance (9'), the HD v. ED was not noticeable. The 42" commercial is a good deal, and an amazing box. I had been waiting for the 1080p DLPs to show up and this was just to tide me over, but I'm now thinking I'm not going to bother changing anytime soon. Its *that* good.
After looking a bit, I ended up buying a 42" Panny commercial EDTV, not the HDTV version. From my viewing distance (9'), the HD v. ED was not noticeable. The 42" commercial is a good deal, and an amazing box. I had been waiting for the 1080p DLPs to show up and this was just to tide me over, but I'm now thinking I'm not going to bother changing anytime soon. Its *that* good.