What's Good 5.1 pre/pre with DD, DTS, DPL II

I decided to go 5.1 instead 7.1 at this time. Take some complexity out of it.

I figured what I'm goning to use the most is DD or DTS for DVD movies, and DPL II for VHS or TV viewing and occasionally for Music beside the good old 2ch stereo.

DPL II and DTS Neo:6 is equivalent and I heard DPL II is better .

So, DD, DTS, DPLII and
good internal DAC for CD playing.
5.1 analog input will be nice but not really necessary

What are the pre/pro choices for this at around $1500 - $2500 street price.
Based on what I have read -- I have not done an A-B comparison between the SP1 and SP1.7 -- the SP1.7 is an upgraded SP1 that provides 5.1 SACD/DVD-A analog inputs, 6.1 and 7.1 formats, and several updated HT processing formats (Dolby ProLogic II, etc.). There may also be an upgrade to the DAC chip. For more info, I suggest you read comments on Bryston's web site (www.bryston.ca), or send an E-mail to James Tanner, Bryston's technical guru. (You can send an E-mail by going to the web site, and clicking on the link that says "Contact".) Tanner is great about giving prompt replies -- I have never waited more than 4 hours to get an answer from him or one of his staff.
The 20 bit has less processing power than the 24 bit. I use the 561 and had the 568 for about six months. Like yourself, 5.1 is all I required, so I saved some cash and sold the 24 bit 568 in favor of the 561. Honestly, I cannot tell a huge difference.

Bryston is a chip based software upgrade. I upgraded my SP1.7, it was $50.00 and included two chips, a chip tool, and all new case screws. It was easy.

The SP1.7 is devoid of bells and whistles, really straight forward, and downright easy to use. No video switching though!

I think the only difference between the two is the 5.1 input. I dont know about the SP1 and DPLII. I like it(DPLII) and wouldnt want to do without it, or DTS:Neo 6, for that matter. You better check with Bryston to see if those are available through chip upgrades in the SP1.
I must agree, the bryston is simple but elegant. It is more refined if that's a good term. The meridian, and I prefer this to lexicon all day, is refined but yet a great toy for geeks like myself.

Distortion: you may have had a chip upgrade done to your SP1.7, but that is not the same as having a SP1 upgraded to the 1.7 version. The upgrade from 1.0 to 1.7 is very extensive: replacement of the rear panel inputs to include 5.1 jacks for SACD/DVD-A, output jacks for 6.1 and 7.1 channel output, updated surround-sound processor formats (such as Dolby PL2), etc. The last time I checked, the cost for the conversion was $1000, plus another $200 for the newer remote.