That is interesting. I've never toyed around with the idea of manipulating the settings of the speakers on the processor and have always stuck to the manuals on setting them 'large' if using huge floorstanders. This suggestion has given the Sony a new lease of life in handling difficult loads. I do not have an SPL meter though but anyway guess I can adjust the volume of all speakers using the test tone of the processor. Well, looks like there is still salvation in my quest of retaining the Sony as the core amplification for HT.
Cheers and thanks to all responses.
That is interesting. I've never toyed around with the idea of manipulating the settings of the speakers on the processor and have always stuck to the manuals on setting them 'large' if using huge floorstanders. This suggestion has given the Sony a new lease of life in handling difficult loads. I do not have an SPL meter though but anyway guess I can adjust the volume of all speakers using the test tone of the processor. Well, looks like there is still salvation in my quest of retaining the Sony as the core amplification for HT.
Cheers and thanks to all responses.