The Denon AVR-3805 has Denon-Link, which will pass DVD-A, but has not
been approved for SACD. It has component video switching capabilities, but
not HDMI. This is why decsions have to made with regard to the importance
of these features. Once a desired feature-set is identified, the choice of
receiver could narrow down substantially.
How important is High Rez Digital, SACD & DVD-A, to you?
What kind of front end are you using?
Do you want to use the DAC's in your front end, or are you looking for
a receiver to do your DA conversion?
If you're looking for a receiver to do DA Conversion, if you're interested in
High Rez digital, and if you have a Universal Player as your front end, does
your player have Firewire connectivity? HDMI? If it has Firewire connectivity,
or if you're interested in moving to a front end with Firewire connectivity,
you'll need a receiver (or pre-pro) with Firewire Connectivity.
At the present time, there are only a few receivers with this feature.
So, identifying a feature set is extremely important.