DVD players with best image quality?

I am considering doing some switching around in my system and would be looking at picking up a new DVD player in the process if I did so. I currently have a Camelot Roundtable, which is certainly an excellent DVD player (not to mention it's top-notch sound). A couple of years back this was one of the top contenders in the DVD playback arena, but I'd imagine recent developments in players might lead me down a different road. I see current references to advanced 14 bit video DACs, etc. CD playback would not be an issue as I would be using seperate players and/or a DAC for Redbook. Price range I'd consider is pretty wide so, short of the mega-bucks players (Ayre, Esoteric, etc.), I'm open to any and all suggestions...top picks would go to something in the $500-1500 range though. Thanks in advance!
If CD playback is not an issue the Camelot Roundtable is still one of the best for video. Just my 0.02c.
I believe any of the Denon DVD Players that use the Silicon Image chip - such as the Denon 2200 and 2900, the more expensive 5900 also uses Silicon Image, as does the Camelot Roundtable (I think) that Fazoid mentioned. I believe the Arcam FMJ 27 uses the same SI chip.

The Denon 3910 uses the Faroudja 2310 chip -- and it is an incredible player as well.