Budget DVD suggestions?

Can anyone recomend a budget dvd player say $300 or less with SACD? I am always open to possible quality used products if it fits my price range. One other thing... Has it ever been decided which format SACD or DVD audio will be used? Or are both still used?
I mostly use my system for watching Movies but the idea of surround sound format is killer and I want to experience it. I think Norah Jones has a SACD format CD which is why I ask for a DVD/SACD player. Thanks for your help!
I would second the budget mod by EVS Tweakaudio. Disclaimer: I own one of his hand-built DACs.
If you can spare $500, I strongly recommend looking for a used Sony DVP 9000ES. I have seen this sacd/dvd/cd player on Audiogon for $475 a few days ago. When your budget permit later on and if you like to upgrade, you can even ask for modification to higher end.
I have a Toshiba 9200 (DVD-A but no SACD)which was Class A which was Class A in it's time ,

Possible upgrades/modifications or need to replace ?
Reference Audio Mods also does mods to the budget Toshiba SD-3960 dvd player, as well as the budget Toshiba SD-4960 universal dvd player.