Good AV Receiver with good AM/FM reception.

I currently have an Arcam AVR200 that is excellent for music and movies but the tuner section is pretty much useless. I get some FM stations but AM, forget it. I have a cheapo mini Onkyo receiver in my computer room that pulls AM & FM really well.

I've tried antenna's and even made a DIY antenna. Still nothing.
Any thoughts are appreciated.
I have a Marantz sr9300. I use a radio shack passive antenna. I guess it's actually a tv device with the rabbit ears. Placed in the corner on top of sheving;it gets all my stations.This was my FIRST remote fm station,changing device. I have a good fm tuner.I seldom use it. Pretty much the only fm I listen to is Sun.morning Beatles. We have 2 stations doing this;at the same time.--one show is 8-10 the other is 8-12. Just about never miss this.
FM/AM tuners categorically in most A/V receivers are going to be at best "after thoughts" and in worst cases "complete jokes." I doubt you will achieve much better than what you can with a decent vintage tuner and a roof-mounted aerial. Are you opposed to the idea of a separate tuner with a roof-mounted aerial?
If you are really into radio, you should heed Arocs advice. I bought a vintage Kenmore tuner for $300 that smokes any receivers tuner section.

On the other hand, even your receivers tuner performance should improve greatly with a roof antenna.
It appears I will look into a roof or chimney mount aerial. I listen to mainly College FM stations and one local AM station. Hopefully, a good aerial will help the receivers limited capabilities.