Which high-end receiver?

Good news, bad news. We're moving into a much bigger house, but the built in area around the entertainment center is so small that it will not hold my power conditioner, amp, processor, DVD player and cablebox.

The wife is insisting that I downsize into equipment that will fit, which will mean getting rid of the processor and amp (at least).

I'm thinking that I'm going to be disappointed with a receiver, but I'm willing to consider the higher end units. Any useful pointers/comparisons between the Denon 5805, the Lexicon RV-8, the Sunfire Ultimate, etc.?

Any thoughts would be appreciated. I'm into an Equitech conditioner, ATI (7x200) amp and Arcam processor right now.

Ag insider logo xs@2xazkeith
Here is the end of the story...

The seller of the house backed out of the deal. We had an attorney send him a nasty letter, but the attorney advises that it will be expensive and painful to try to make him sell.

Licking my wounds, I decided to upgrade my current system. The L-C-R speakers and subwoofer are now Krell Resolution (the 2 series for the L-R). My new processor is a Meridian 861 and my new DVD player is the Immersive Simmetry DVP. Time to hook this stuff up and kick some butt!
If you can only get a reciever, the Denon does everything now, the others will need upgrades later for HDMI switching. But, the McIntosh sounds like seperates, and you won't need another one for a long time.
Sorry to hear about your house deal.....I agree hook it up and kick some serious butt! The guy you were buying the house from sounds like a real puppy phucker