DTS vs Dolby Digital?

Is one clearly better then the other, more dynamic? clearer? or faster? opinions please...thanks Chad
GENERALLY, DTS sounds a little cleaner because its transfer rate is about double (or better) than DD's. IOW, the DTS track is compressed significantly less.

The 2 also sound different because they're mastered differently, that is, by different people.
Really depends on the attention of the recording/mixing process. All things being equal DTS has a slight edge since the compression algorithims have less loss. In reality buy a processor that does both well and decide for yourself. This is A-B listening at its easiest. HAVE FUN!!!!!
DTS has a definite technical advantage, but whether or not an individual movie sounds "better" is up to the recording engineer for each film / format being compared. Sean
It is important to note that when DTS and DD are both on a disc, DTS is compressed more so they both will fit.