Radio Interference - HELP

I have a Toshiba 30HF84 high definition tube tv. I get diagonal lines across the screen on the high def stations. It only occurs when the dvd is plugged into the tv. I had the comcast people out here several times, the tv repair twice, and finally the dealer brought out another one. It still does it. I have a am radio tower a couple mile away. I orginally had my old Toshiba dvd hooked up through component video. Then I bought a Denon 2910 and hooked it up with HDMI. Same effect, maybe a bit stronger. I am using a Monster power filter. I don't have room for anything larger than a power bar. My question is what to do? 1. Get a new power bar? 2. Have the electric company install a power filter, 3. try a different tv. Note: when I moved in I had problems with the telephone reception upstair, as I could hear the radio station.