Top manufacturers!

I am just getting into the high-end area and was wondering who out there is consistantly making the highest quality components year after year.
Let me recall one that (figuratively) brings tears to one's eyes: Apogee Acoustics (the speaker maker)
In a very short time Balanced Audio Technolgy has become a leader in the electronics field. World class sound and people. It's a labor of love for Victor, Steve, and Geoff. They deserve tons of credit and I can't thank them enough!!! Sincerely, Thomas Colato
BMI Virtue Power Cords as the Chairman indicates above ! They are top shelf cords without the top shelf price .MIT cables ,great service ,P R ,and the right speaker cables and interconnects in the right system are a very hard act to follow.Hales Design Group for their service ,P R and for their breakthrough Revelation line that set new standards in exceptional sounding speakers that are very affordable .P S Audio for the incredible Power Plants. When it comes to construction ,service and warranty and a company with great PR,I challenge any company worldwide to even come near to Bryston's 20 years all parts and labor ,transferable warranty(limitless owners) and they also pay for return shipping. Most repairs are completed and return shipped on the same day ! No matter how badly trashed a unit is,they will repair it,Lightning ,power surge, rough handling ect.(obviously these extreme cases will take a little longer.) A few others are McCormack, Magnum Dynalab and a new revolutionary breakthrough for audio in superior isolation, the Vistek-Ink M I Bearings.
Everyone at Well-Tempered is great. I recently purchased and used Well-Tempered turntable (no manual) on Audiogon. Everyone was extremely helpful in answering questions. They gave me the same service I would expect had I bought a new turntable. These people are the greatest!!!!! And so are their products!!!!