phantom center channel

My entertainment center can not accommodate a center channel without substantial and costly modification. Does anyone have experience with the "phantom center channel" option? Does this drastically change the listening experience?
Yes, it can drastically change the experience - many times for the better. I often experiment turning it on and off to see which sounds better. DVD concerts are almost a no-brainer for turning it off.
Remember that a center channel's main purpose is to anchor the dialogue in the center for those who are off center. Depending on where your seating position is, it may not be a necessity.
For a long dissertation on not using a center, go to Richard Hardesty's Audio Perfectionist website.
I agree with the above. I'm currently not using a center channel and it's working very well, and I don't have to physically have a speaker in between my mains. If it is for one or 2 people you can get away very well with a phantom center--and often times it's actually an improvement.
Snofun3 is correct, for movies. If multichannel music is the objective the center front channel is the most important of all.