Best Full Range Speakers @ Around $2000?

I'm looking to put together a "small" system for my den (Int.Amp, CD Player, Speakers) I have a pair of Alon I Loudspeakers that I'm considering using, but they now seem a bit too colored to my ears, especially in the upper bass. I have a Marantz CD-63SE that I'll be using as my CD source. So I just need an Int. Amp and a set of full range speakers that are VERY EASY TO PLACE. My den is about 16 X 20 x 8. My budget for each is around $2000. Any favorites?
Vandersteen 2ceSignature if you like bass and full range. Magnepan 1.6QR if you like incredible detail. These are electrostatics, but are small enough to move every day. Dynaudio 1.8 for clear detailed sound w/drivers and some bass. Audio Physic Sparks for holographic imaging, clarity, but not much bass. AP's do need to be out in the room.
The best speakers for under $2500.00 are either the Paradigm Studio 80's or 100's.If you did a A/B with the Rev 3's the only real difference you would hear would be better bass from the Paradigms.If you had the RIGHT room and spent CONSIDERABLE time experimenting with placement of the Rev.3"s,then maybe they would sound as good as the Paradigms.The Paradigms have high sensitivity also so you dont have to worry about running out of clean volumn like you would with a 86db speaker,unless of course you want to pay big bucks for watts.I have heard A/B's of the 3 above speakers in a salon and at home.The above is what I heard.
I love my NHT 2.5i speakers. You need at least 100wpc amp to run them, but they are very revealing. I listened to Vandersteen 3a, maggies 1.6 and numerous other $2,000+ speakers. When I come home and listen to the NHT 2.5i's I sit back and smile. You can find them used for around $700+
Thanks Rosstaman. I've been thinking allot about NHT speakers too. My gut tells me that they might work well in my horrible room, because it is my understanding that NHT speakers are not wide dispersion designs. My den is VERY reflective, especially in the upper bass (between 100-200 hz) so a speaker that radiates most of it's energy towards the listener might work well for me. I hope to gather some opinions, and get to listening this weekend. Chow for now!
B&W CDM7 se -Someone has a pair in red ash listed for $999 usually $1800 new. They are easy to place and have a smooth laid back sound (some say too laid back)Just give them LOTS of clean power and use the money youve saved for high quality cables.