Eldragon, I commend you for your artwork on your website (can you say "Reubenesque"?), and for your friendship/support here! Thank you very much! I do believe you'll like the 9300 much better, but if your baffle is routered for flush fit, it won't fit in the same place as the Focal (round in a square hole, etc.). There might also be different electrical parameters between the two. Additionally, the 9300 might be about 1 dB less efficient than the Focal (I'm not sure). If so, then you'll just need less series resistance in the tweeter's "pad" network (if not different parallel resistance also). I'm sure they'll have wroked all that out, though. Good luck with this, let me know how it goes! Happy new Year to you, Dragan. These old timers could learn about being a "class act" from you!!