The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
Mormon audiophile, good one David99. Yes, I agree that the Mormon people are great people... but very clanish. I should know, I live in moron country. Spelling on purpose. If this offends anyone... sorry, I'm just expressing my freedom of speech!
Joysjane, just so you know, Soundlab is a Mormon owned company, and they build one of the worlds finest loudspeakers. Clannish? I have only the experience of knowing these particular people. If I were to judge them (which I was taught NOT to do in my Methodist religion) I would say they are some of the most honest, kind and respectful people I have ever met. That does not even include the other applicable descriptions, such as giving, creative, hard working and loving. I simply mean to say that if this is moron behavior, then we need many more such people, at least here in Texas where I live. Best to you!
Not only are they wonderful people, there are some great skiers among them. I became very good friends with a number of members of the Mormon faith when I skied Alta every year for 15 years in a row! I could never understand how a persons beliefs in a higher power would have anything to do with how good of people they are. Are we not all just soles trying to find our way. Seems this would be a better world if we could simply remember that and not look at eachothers faith for final judgement.
Albertporter, Do you live in an area where the Mormon influence is 75% of the population? I doubt it. Up here in country from Salt Lake to the north is High Mormon concentration. Have you ever tried to aquire employment where your religious affiliation determined whether or not you got the job? If not, please don't go of where you don't know! I am lucky that I am in a profession of which that doesn't matter. However, many jobs are filled in our area regarding as to which religion you practice, and if the person hiring happens to be in your ward. I would rather not go into this area, if you don't mind. And I apologize for my remark, and, if it offended anyone.
Joysjane. It happens to be against Federal law to discriminate against any person based on religion. In fact it is against the law to even inquire as to what religion you are on an employment application. I am surprised that you experienced this problem, and admit I have no experience with such matters. If you notice my posting, I remained on topic with discussing Soundlab, as this is an audio site. And as far as your request of preferring to "not going into this area," it was you who stimulated my posting by calling Mormons "morons." It is difficult for me to read such a broad label and not think about the people it applies to.