The best and worst Audiogon poster's

I have enjoyed these threads very much. I feel I have come to know some of Audiogon's members thru there postings. I have my favorite's like the knowledgable gentleman Albert Porter, In his ear's I trust Mikeam, Tubegroover, 3Dman and the controversial and sometime's entertaining Carl Eber. Who are your favorites and why.
Albertporter, Do you live in an area where the Mormon influence is 75% of the population? I doubt it. Up here in country from Salt Lake to the north is High Mormon concentration. Have you ever tried to aquire employment where your religious affiliation determined whether or not you got the job? If not, please don't go of where you don't know! I am lucky that I am in a profession of which that doesn't matter. However, many jobs are filled in our area regarding as to which religion you practice, and if the person hiring happens to be in your ward. I would rather not go into this area, if you don't mind. And I apologize for my remark, and, if it offended anyone.
Joysjane. It happens to be against Federal law to discriminate against any person based on religion. In fact it is against the law to even inquire as to what religion you are on an employment application. I am surprised that you experienced this problem, and admit I have no experience with such matters. If you notice my posting, I remained on topic with discussing Soundlab, as this is an audio site. And as far as your request of preferring to "not going into this area," it was you who stimulated my posting by calling Mormons "morons." It is difficult for me to read such a broad label and not think about the people it applies to.
Albertporter, Yes it was I, and I apologize again! But it does happen, it happens here, and the said part is... we are in the year 2001. I apologize again for stearing this discussion off of the audio (head down in humble position)topic.
Joysjane. I am sincerely sorry that you have (obviously) been mistreated, it is a shame that any person should have to deal with discrimination in any part of life. Worst yet, with employment where one must do for a living what is necessary to survive. Since I lack your experience on this subject, I too apologize that we headed off in this direction. Your intelligent response tells me that we will be able to share the more enjoyable topic of music in other posts. You are obviously passionate about music, and your mature attitude makes me want to hear what you have to say. My sincere best to you!
while i never new the religious background of those who make soundlabs, more on an audio topic, i found it fascinating to learn that the founder of the company is in fact, deaf... strange profession for a deaf person. i couldn't help but tink of ludwig van...