
What is the best "giant killer" product you've ever found.
Magnepan MMG, at $500 a pair. MIT Terminator 3 speaker cable closed out at $65/pair in second (or Terminator 2, "for a few dollars more"). Audio Alchemy DLC linestage preamp a close third, at $225 (before they went away). ASC Frescoe Traps in fourth (before they were replaced by something a little bigger and pricier). Kimber 8TC rounds out the top 5, in my opinion (not recommended for systems having even a slightly forward presence region, however. It's a "quickish" sounding copper cable with a large enough cross sectional area to let the dynamic swings of a beefy system come through...lacks tonal refinement of pricier cables, and also that of the much cheaper MIT, in the right system context, of course).
The best "Giant Killer" actually the reference point that had much to do with the "High-End" even existing...the original Large Advent Speaker....others would be, the current Magnepan MG 1.6QR, the Kimber Silver Streak cable.. ...and, perhaps, the original AR turntable...I wonder how many are still in use?
Used Dynaco Stereo 70 amp. For 20 years they sold for around $100 and were more lisenable that the 1,000's of amps, intergrateds and receivers that have come and gone.