Need Help Choosing A Subwoofer

Hey Guys/Gals,
Im looking to get my first home audio/video subwoofer. The room is around 10x10 give or take a little. So far I have looked at the SVS PB12-ISD/V, the Definitive Tech Super Cube II, and the Outlaw Audio LFM-1. What do you think is best so far or what else would you say is worth looking it to? I would like to keep the price below $800 (audiogon prices). Thank you so much for all those who provide help!
What subs have you heard.If you could give a listen in person to any sub and then share your experience.I feel the only sub is a DIY.First off because you get what you want and not a sub that fits into a marketing structure.There are a ton of subs in your price range.IMHO you need to get an impression first to compare.Good luck!

The reason I say "in person" is you need to hear and feel bass.My sub system has (4) 15" Adire Tumults with (4) Adcom 555 mkII's bridged mono.I use a Marchand BASSIS to extend the sealed response and a Behringer 1124p to remove the room mode problems.The room is acoustically treated to a "T" and I use TrueRta to get it flat to 10hz.This is bass that at 85-90db is world class.You my think this is perfect and if you are normal you will say subwoofer "X" at the local stereo store did it for me for a fraction.It's all about figuring out how much bass and to what quality you are looking for.

Let your ears tell the story.

I also own a Hsu VTF3 and am quite happy with it. How does Hsu in your opinion compare to REL? Hsu's seem to be a better value... I am assuming that REL is a bit better at a significantly higher price... Is this a fair statement?

thanks, Paul
They are very different from each other. The Hsu is large with a large driver, is ported and has a large amp. I barely use it for music because my floor=standing speakers go to 34 Hz. Not much music goes below that, but some does. My REL is a small one, Q108E, but in using it with my small bookshelf speakers which go to 50 or 55 Hz, it is really wonderful. I forget its there. It is small and out of the way, but when i turn it off, the bottom is gone. For only $700, it is great at what it does. I spent $900 on the Hsu, then upgraded the amp to Mark II. I am very happy with both!
The Onix rocket UFW-10 would serve well in your room. You might try corner loading the sub you wind up choosing. You are likely going to have some interesting null/peak challenges in your room.
Yeah...a 10x10' room? You definitely can forget the 4x15" subs with mono's! Call it a hunch(lol).
Yes, you need quality well integrated fast solid bass. I think it's reasonable to say you'll be staying with mass marketed, and forgoing the custom DIY, ya think? And, actually there's enough good subs out there that, set up well (the key), will do you proud really.
For that room, I like dual fast 8" subs (even push/pulls, like MX stuff from M&k, for instance MX70), or subs with a tight "Q", even more musical vs, monsterously sloppy and boomy. Read a reivew or two...then choose wisely