Biwire questions - Best cable for

New pair of B&W Nautilus 804. Krell KAV 250a and Lexicon DC-2 pre. Suggestions for biwire speaker cable for about $300? I need 20ft cables (or slightly longer). If I need to spend more, I will, but I'd like to spend no more than 3-400 bucks. Thanks all! Appreciate your help!
Dont bother with Biwire Cable.Jumper using the same cable or ust the WBT Jumpers.I have had doulbe runs of cable and found that a single cable with jumpers or with the WBT is just as good as a biwire or double run.
Tml2. I am curious about bi-wireing but do not understand why it works. Your way would cost me nothing to try. I have 14' single runs of Kimber 4VS with tinned ends that I was planning on taking down to bare wire again. Would it be the same as your suggestion if I just stripped 3" off the ends and ran the wire through the LF terminal and on up to the HF terminal? Just one wire (or four twisted together in this case) connecting both terminals.
Bi-Wiring affects the crossover somehow since the signal is separated at the source instead of at the speaker. I hope someone else will explain this better. I have found bi-wiring makes a difference in my system. If Carl was here he would recommend MIT Terminator 2. So I will in his absence. That can be had at 50% of list at AudioAdvisor.COM
Hi Bazmataz. Good advise from klysenger. Tm12 gave you excellent cost effective advice but try jumper first. Some speakers work fine with a jumper others not so good.
Most "experts" say bi-wire is better sound, and if your speaker Manf. went through the extra effort and cost to provide this cabability you should take advantage. Bi-wiring reduces distortion in mids and treble, for detailed explanation why go to various cable manf sites such as, Jumpers can be an improvement over cheap connector bars that come with speakers for single wire use, but do not offer the physical seperation that bi-wire does. Almost all quality cables are offered with optional internal bi-wire or you can always use double runs. I might mention that some high end speakers don't offer biwire option like Dynaudio, preferring more elaborate crossover designs, but most speakers provide biwire feature.