6.1 receiver

Am looking to buy a "cheap" 6.1 receiver. I don't really know a lot about HT systems, was more heavily into hi end stereo in the 70s. Right now I am using an old Sony 5.1. Speakers are fronts, Cerwin Vega DX (4 ohm), rear Advent Legacy, center AR 11 (does mixing impeidence hurt anything). And an Energy sub (probably don't need it, was using it with my Energy "Take 2s" before. I am using old CRT TV (don't want HD yet) so can use a lot of inputs on receiver, I have 3 VCRs, DVD, Laserdisc, CD player and multiple game systems to hook up. What would be something around $200 I could use? I can get discounts on a lot of items so don't be afraid to mention a higher priced reciever. Almost bought a Pioneer VSXD814K for $199 yesterday. To be honest HT confuses me, so many options, many probably not needed. I miss the old stereo only days, of course having to buy the latest and greatest (within my budget) kept me pretty busy in the 70s, 80s.

Oh if there are any good sites to compared HT receivers a link would be nice too. I tried Consumer Reports but info seems outdated.


Hope this isn't a duplicate post (having keyboard trouble), but my recommendation is to get a 7.1 receiver with DPLIIx, and not a 6.1 receiver. If you plan to expand beyond a 5.1 speaker system, 7.1 is the right way to go, not 6.1.

I'm not familiar with the receivers being discussed, but I assume if they are new models they would have DPLIIx and 7.1.

Bruce and All,

Yes, the Pioneer VSX-1014TK has 7.1 channels of amplification on-board and it has DPLIIx. In addition to that, it has THX Select certification. All this for under $350 street price! As I said earlier, it is a SCREAMINGLY good value........


It seems these receivers are very good value so thanks for the info.

Can anyone please explain the difference between the 1014 and the 1015?

Not sure what the premium for the 1015 is or if it is worth it, especially since I may only use it for pre out and with headphones.