If you max out the volume on your MP3 player, and the maximum output voltage is 2.0 volts you are safe as long as you are not getting distortion. Read the manual for the player and the receiver. If the max output voltage of the MP3 plaer is 2V and the max input voltage for the receiver is 2V you are safe. The input and output impedances are an issue as well but with an MP3 player connected to solid state receiver I would not worry.
Perhaps moving away from MP3's and towards uncompressed music is a more important concern. With huge hard drives comming down in price and software getting better you can start saving music uncompressed and simply add a new hard drive every couple of years. Music servers are still not quite there yet though Cambridge Audio has one that appears to kick ass for $$$.
Good luck!
Perhaps moving away from MP3's and towards uncompressed music is a more important concern. With huge hard drives comming down in price and software getting better you can start saving music uncompressed and simply add a new hard drive every couple of years. Music servers are still not quite there yet though Cambridge Audio has one that appears to kick ass for $$$.
Good luck!