Integrated tube amplifier - finest ?

In looking for a superior tube integrated, I have come across the Bel Canto SET40i, Jadis Orchestra Reference, Pathos, Viva Sintesi, EAR V20 and Unison Research. Has anyone done a head to head with any of the above ? Of those I've heard, the BelCanto is my favorite, but the remote may be coloring my opinion. Any thoughts on these units would be most appreciated, particularly the Viva Sintesi and Unison Research. Most of my listening is done at low to moderate volume, simple stuff (acoustic, female vocals and chamber music) and always off axis, so purity of tone is more important to me than soundstage and/or imaging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, this is a wonderful resource you all share ! Anubis
I auditioned the Audio Anologue Puccini SE, Jadis Orchestra (the older version with EL34's), YBA DT, conrad johnson CAV-50. I purchased the CAV-50 and have never been happier with an amp. It is a gorgeous sounding amp worth more than its' cost. I recently sold it to a good friend and upgraded to a Premier 11A due to more demanding speakers and a good opportunity. I was shocked at how well the CAV-50 sounded in comparison to the 11A at 1/2 the power. If you like jazz and fem. vocals....the CAV-50 is literally to die for. However, I found that with rock and large scale orchestral pieces...the CAV-50...when pushed hard...lacks the power (thus the 11A purchase). I don't want to overstate...because the CAV-50 was the best integrated I have ever heard....I even named the amp!! Give it a try. Also...I have not heard it....but VAC has a new integrated (I believe that it was reviewed in this months Stereophile) that looks quite interesting. The Jadis Orchestra that I auditioned sounded like crap. I found out later that the dealer had a problem with the amp (that he did not know about when I listened to it) I cannot formulate a good opinion. I also have heard the Pathos...which is big $$$...and is quite beautiful. Pathos is quite nice. As far as purity of tone....that is subjective. Also...remember warranty and service when you select. It isn't easy (at least in my area) to get service on the Jadis and some of the others that you mention. CJ warranties 5 years and warranties used gear as well (2nd hand) I wouldn't call the CJ "neutral", however, it makes music rivetingly musical. Give it an audition before you buy.
In contrast to Mfgrep stellar review of the CJ, I found it to be very slow and colored. I auditioned the CJ a/b to the Mesa Tirgis, which, in my opinion, was far superior to the CJ. However, I purchased the Copland CTA-402 which was very close to the Tigris and included phono and remote for a few dollars more. If you don't need a phono, then by all means, audition the Tigris. It has variable pentode/triode settings is very musical and has amazing head-room. I have heard the Unison and was not nearly as impressed.