Integrated tube amplifier - finest ?

In looking for a superior tube integrated, I have come across the Bel Canto SET40i, Jadis Orchestra Reference, Pathos, Viva Sintesi, EAR V20 and Unison Research. Has anyone done a head to head with any of the above ? Of those I've heard, the BelCanto is my favorite, but the remote may be coloring my opinion. Any thoughts on these units would be most appreciated, particularly the Viva Sintesi and Unison Research. Most of my listening is done at low to moderate volume, simple stuff (acoustic, female vocals and chamber music) and always off axis, so purity of tone is more important to me than soundstage and/or imaging. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, this is a wonderful resource you all share ! Anubis
In contrast to Mfgrep stellar review of the CJ, I found it to be very slow and colored. I auditioned the CJ a/b to the Mesa Tirgis, which, in my opinion, was far superior to the CJ. However, I purchased the Copland CTA-402 which was very close to the Tigris and included phono and remote for a few dollars more. If you don't need a phono, then by all means, audition the Tigris. It has variable pentode/triode settings is very musical and has amazing head-room. I have heard the Unison and was not nearly as impressed.
Hi Anubis. I just bought a Viva Sintesi from an audiogon member. It has replaced my seperates. It's 13 watts aside has a drive and dynamic range that is unreal. This amp demands your attention. You will also find the purity of tone you desire. No remote but you won't care. A very good friend of mine came down for a visit. Heard the amp and is now looking into the mono blocks for his Venture speakers. I can't say enough about this integrated. You will not miss your seperates. If you would like more info feel free to email me.
I really don't have experience with all of the ones that you mention...but the one that I have superb, the VAC Avatar. It also has an excellent phono stage...worth the look and listen.
I owned the Bel Canto SetI40 and now own the Pathos Twin Towers. It is part of a second system. I have Lamm ML-1's in the main system. I had a cap mod done on the Pathos (slight opening up of the top end) and they give the Lamm's a real run for the money. I love the Lamms but as a value I have never heard anything close to the Pathos at any where near the price (and it is stunning visually). I have not heard the Viva but would assume it is very good as well.
The amps I have heard from this list are the Jadis Orchestra Reference and the Pathos Twin Towers. I cannot comment about the others, but feel you would be happy with any of these fine products. The Pathos is fabulous, but not the type of sound a tube lover is into. It is more open, detailed, and extended, while lacking the sweetness and warmth that we buy tubes for. Interesting the above post states he preferred the CJ CAV50 to the Jadis Orchestra(though he later states there was a problem with the Jadis). I feel just the opposite. I cannot find one area where the CJ is superior to a Jadis(unless you prefer a REALLY warm sound), but all of this is personal opinion. I own a Jadis Orchestra Reference, which I feel even much superior to the Orchestra. It is more like a DA-30, with passive preamp, and in my opinion should carry a different moniker to avoid confusion with the Orchestra.