Your Best Hobbies (other than Audio)

It would be interesting to know what other things interest the audiophiles who are obviously so passionate about hi fi and Audiogon. I am similarly obsessively interested in cars and motorcycles. What are your interests?
I love both cooking, and exploring the great restaurants of this region. I work out 6 days a week. Mostly weights, but also walk about 1 3/4 miles during the week(to and from the train station). Gave it up for the winter, as I almost got hit by a car a few times(gets dark too early these days). Can't wait for the days when the sun stays out longer... Was big into taijiquan and jiujitsu, but haven't done it for the past four years(I really should get back to those things). I love to read about Chinese philosophy, especially Taoism. Did try to get deeper into it, but soon discovered it was no different than any other religion. A BIGTIME Philadelphia sports fan. Some would(and do) call us hooligans. Favorite sports are football, hockey, and baseball. Developed a real interest in investing over the past 8 years. Thankfully, I soon realized I am a born contrarian. This has kept me out of the Nasdaq. Thankfully I haven't lost much money during the bloodbath of 2000. Have a real penchant for being the class clown, and comedy is something that I think can perform miracles. Favorite comedians are Rodney Dangerfield and Dom Irrera(like me, another Italian from South Philly). Used to be a car buff, but have lost the time for that over the years. Still lust after many cars. Cars would be my art collection if I ever hit the lotto(too bad I don't play).
I like my Jack russel terrier...smooth fox terrier also. They are truly great dogs...personality alot fun. Motorcycles, Boats. Classic autos resoration, and rejuvination of old things. Things that are bygone products that imbarrasse what people buy now. Living near the ocean. Travel.. Bob,
My other passion is motorcycles. I just purchased new this year a 2000 Honda Valkyrie Interstate, big machine, big fun.
Well I have had so many hobbies over the years and was obsessive compulsive about each of them when I was involved. They include woodworking (28 years now, little time for this these days), swimming (the best excercise and kept me in the best shape of any activity I've ever done), bicycling, basketball, softball, karate (black belt) and sport cars. If I could afford one and had the time I would own another Porsche, to me the ultimate fun driving machine short of a Ferrari. Now I have committed myself to learn the piano. I have waited too long to fulfill this desire but I don't expect I'll have another chance if I don't get started NOW!! Have purchased over the past couple of years "The Teaching Company" tapes which cover a wide variety of subjects from religion, phlisophy, physics, music, business to Shakespere's plays. I listen to these in the car when traveling and highly recommend them to all. It puts our world in a better perspective to me.
Hey Trelja How bout them Eagles? I'm in a dilemma, Eagles or Tampa Bay? Da Eagles.