Cost is no object is easy, but....

If you had a budget of $10,000 to build a single source (CD, SACD, Analog etc.) two channel system with used or new products what products would get your vote. My vote is:

BAT VKD5 ($2,000 used)
2 Harmonic Tech Pro Sil II ($500 used)
Cat SL1 MKIII ($2,000 used)
AR VT100 MKII ($2,100 used)
Cardas Neutral Reference ($400 used)
Audio Physic Vergo ($2500 used)
9 Black Diamond Racing Cones ($500 new).
My take on this:

I own both the VKD5 and SCD777ES, You'll have to get your priorities straight as the VKD5 smokes the 777 on redbook playback. what's it going to be, start over with SACD, or enjoy your (possibly) sizeable redbook collection.

Fortunately I'm able to keep both!

Sony never has and never will make a palyer that comes even close to the BAT.
I agree, the BAT is in a league of it's own. It was my first choice over Meridian 508.24 and Audio Research CD-2 both around the same price used. However, I thought the power cords and power conditioner with the lesser CD player would yield a better overall sound.

If you want to keep the BAT, what would you change? Maybe there is no need for power cords and line conditioning. Also, isolation with BDR could be removed. But in my experience, power source, power cords and isolation are essential for good sound.
melos ma333r/music director linestage - ($1.8k)

two electrocompaniet aw60's (for bi-amping) - ($1k)

newform research nhb645 - ($2.4k)

aragon 47k fono-stage - ($300)

updated oracle 'table w/origin-live dc-motor/o-l rega rb250 - ($1800)

ortofon mc-25fl - ($200)

subwoofer system w/a pair of vmps larger subs, marchand xm9-deluxe x-over, & the best cheap used s/s amp ewe can find (get the marchand x-over in the 3-way wersion for active x-over of the newforms)- ($2k)

this leaves only $500 for cabling, so bust the budget or get decent used inexpensive cabling like tara labs quantum iv i/c's & tara labs rsc prime 1000 speaker cabling.

happy listening! ;~) doug s.

This is a question near and dear to my heart as an Audiogon shopper.  Here is a set of components that I have personally purchased on this site (or US Audio Mart) at the prices set forth below, which I would confidently put up against anything above (on the digital side):

Cat JL-1 Amps ($4k)
Audio Synthesis Passion Passive Preamp ($500)
Merlin VSM-M Millennium (filter network set for tubes) ($2k)
CEC TL-1X ($2.2k)
Dodson DA-217 Mk2D ($1.3k)

Throw in some Kimber PBJ and 8TC cables and a Monster HTS-2000 power conditioner, and you are good to go.  If you don't like the digital setup, you can pick up an MBL 1531 CD player right now on Audiogon for $3500.  If you add another $1k to the budget, you can pick up an Audio Consulting Silver Rock TVC, and the system can easily compete with systems costing $75k or more.

Will post my analogue system shortly.