Which is the best cable for Martin-Logan?

I use martin-logan Quest z with monster-cabe powerline 2 plus (krell power,mark levinson pre..etc) but my friends of Audio club say monster is not good for my system and Transparentcable is best for mine... unfortunately..it's very expensive... and they recommand MIT , Cardas well, I dont know much about cables. Must I change speaker cables to get clear sound?
The best is JPS or Miller Sound. I have used Monster Sigma. Got rid of them after Miller Sound which is a cheaper version of JPS. No cable better to my ears unless you get into thousands of dollars for exotic cables.
Problem is probably with the Martin Logans. Owned a pair of Quest's once. Was constantly fighting the room. If you have the speaker's closer than three feet from any wall they are too close. If you have cathedral ceilings, give up ,,,, you loose.
Most of our customers use Transparent or NBS analog cables with that type of set up. MIT & the new higher end Monster is also a possibility. Forget about Cardas with your particular set up. Goodluck. thanks, Brian@HelloHiFi.com ph805.527.9739 fax805.527.9808 www.hellohifi.com eCatalog available. New equipment demo’s by appointment. All quotes are good for 30 days. Customers in every state, & 26 countries (angol/ingles/englisch/beszelunk magyarul!/ hablamos en espanol/wir sprechen deutsch).
I will only recomend only one cabel..Transparent Audio and that best match for them.
Having owned the Quest Z's myself, I experimented with many different cables with them. Monster Sigma Reference, JPS Labs Superconductors, etc. The JPS cable will provide adequate performance levels. They are extremely neutral, and JPS offers a bi-wired version if you desire to bi-wire the Quests. However, no other speaker cable has come close to providing the performance that my current Transparent Audio Wave Ultras provide. These cables have brought the greatest single improvement to date within my system. They are pricey to be certain, but these are the only cables I know of which deliver the goods. If you really want to hear what your Quests are capable of, experiment with a pair of Wave Ultras yourself. You'll find them used for around $900 for an 8' pair. About the price of an average CD player, but providing far greater benefits. The gentleman who suggested checking your distance to the front wall provided you valuable information as well. Proper set-up with any Martin Logan speaker is absolutely critical. They will require breathing room. Having said that, I actually sold my Quest Z's simply because I found they were actually too large for my modest 15'x 20' room. The SL3's and Aerius I's both provide much better performance and dynamics in this room than the Quest Z's were able to. Enjoy!