Accuphase or Esoteric?

I am getting ready to pull the trigger on a new CD player. I've had an Accuphase DP-78 that sounds wonderful, but has developed some mechanical issues, so I think it's time for a new player. I've been offered a great deal on a new Accuphase DP-600, but also very good deals on an Esoteric K-03 or K-01. The only one of any of these I've heard is the K-03. I have a friend who has one, and we auditioned his against my Accuphase side by side, and found them roughly equal in sound quality, although they were different and we preferred one or the other, depending on what was playing. I'm interested in whether anyone has heard the Esoteric against the Accuphase, and also how much better the K-01 really is. The Absolute Sound review was pretty unequivocal, but I never know what reviewers are thinking, and there is a big price difference. Any advice would be very much appreciated.
I think a lot depends on what the rest of your system consists of.

I have an all tube based system with Avantgarde Duos, and I just replaced my Wadia 16i with a K-01. I also have an Oppo 105 which I am keeping to play DVD audio and stream Pandora.

As an aside, the Oppo 105 is in no way even close to the Esoteric for CD or SACD, and was also not as good as my 20 yr old Wadia for CD.

I have not auditioned Accuphase but in reading all the reviews and speaking with dealers, the general sense I got was the Accuphase house sound was warm while the Esoteric was analytical.

In my system, the combination of analytical analogue front end (ortofon Anna) has better synergy with the rest of my tube based system.
I listened to the K-01 at the dealer and did not find it too lean, and have since found it's sound in my system to be a very good fit.
Detailed with hint of warmth is the best match in my system.

I can also add more warmth by changing the K-01 filters I listen to for CD or Computer audio.

IMHO - you might want to consider the sound characteristic of the rest of your system in your decision process.

Also Esoteric USA is in SoCal and if your unit ever does need repair, you would not be stuck waiting to go back to Japan.

If you can find a good deal on used K-01, I'd highly recommend it. Just remember it will need 400 plus hrs playback on each filter setting to fully reach it's potential.
Agree with Mallen above, wherein both could be excellent or just so-so..
Finding the right balance with the rest of your system is key ~ ie.Synergy. I'm
currently using Accuphase dac/transport (replacing old 4pcs dCS stack) in an all SS
based system and thought the fit to be sublime.. Nice natural tonality, musical,
organic. More so after 3 months or so of continuous regular use ~ 400-500hrs.
Never heard Accuphase players, but I would love to and the only Esoteric I've heard the DV60 and I hated it.
I have an Electrocompaniet EMC1UP which I bought after demoing the likes of Audio Research CD5, Wadia 381, Krell SACD505 and Sugden PDT4-F, only the latter came close.
Heard accuphase dp700 & esoteric k03.

Accuphase for me. As per description of accuphase, it sounds very liquid, with clarity and a touch of warmth.

Esoteric sounded mechanical and lifeless..
I didn't listen to Accuphase. But I have DV50S and X-03. X-03 (VRDS NEO) sounds cold, lifeless, a bad bass! And DV50S (modified Pioneer the mechanism) sounds heat and is clear, the correct bass!