Cost effective Schumann Resonator

After reading about the Acoustic Revive unit, I was looking on Ebay and found a Schumann Resonator for $175 (plus $20 for a very nice plexiglass case). It's model designation is Chartres Mk.2. It is made by a fellow named David in Indonesia. He was a pleasure to deal with, start to finish. The unit arrived in about 10 days. The fit and finish was reassuring. It is a circuit board with good quality components mounted between two sheets of well cut and finished plexiglass.
I have read, and failed to understand a lot that has been written about Schumann resonators, but I am willing to. Suspend disbelief and try a tweak that a lot of folks say works. My initial reaction on hooking up the resonator was disbelief. Sound stage and localization were noticeably better. I had to disconnect and reconnect the unit several times to convince myself that I wasn't fooling myself. Mechanism of action be hanged, it made a very positive difference in my system. This finding was confirmed my moving it to a second system where, again, spatial information seemed much improved.
I am very happy with this purchase. Results rule!
I use 6 Schumann devices in my listening room. 4 units are about 6 feet off the ground and the other 2 units are about 2 feet off the ground. The effect on SQ is very noticeable. A big improvement.
After reading this, I've looked into them a bit. What difference is there between a $38 unit versus a more expensive one, say the $175 one, besides just the cost? Does the higher priced one work better than the lower priced one in a larger room because it has more power? I guess I have more reading to do to.

Acoustic Revive cost a lot more than that. Do you have a link for a $38 Schumannn?
Bought one of these out of curiosity. It doesn't do a thing for me. I'm not saying it doesn't make a difference, just that I can't detect anything. I guess it's a lot like cables. Some folks hear it, others don't.