Best component ever for the ...

I nominate the Absolute Power Cord from as the best audio component ever for the money.

I have had this $40 power cord in my system for 48 hrs+ and am astounded by its performance and value.

I would appreciate if posters to this thread post only positive nominations or constructive commentary, positive or negative, regarding the nominations.

As noted on another thread regarding the Absolute Power Cord, I am not a shill for this company but an extremely satisfied customer. Also noted in the other thread, I would like to see the importer of this product prosper. If you would like to argue over any of the points mentioned in this paragraph please do so on the other post.

These power cords truly are amazing.

God bless.
Raising power supplies off my wooden floors. Paced them on styrafoam with foot rub cubes{I kid you not} between power supplies and foam. Then I put the famous virapods under the monster and panamax with the foot rubs between the two....Then I floated my system on granite tiles, virapods holding spoons, each containing one marble....this last tweak is not my own but it works...a poormans dayruma, or whatever....the thing here its' cheap, fun, effective...If you try this remember the spoons should be glued to the vibrapods. I haven't done this yet and I'm wondering what glue would work best....Suggestions? See what happens when I don't take me medication? Cheers, Bluenose
Bluenose: Try caramel ice-cream as an adhesive. It is sticky as hell, dries hard but pliant and can always be washed away with lots of hot water. My wife loves the stuff and I have bent spoons trying to remove them from bowls that have been setting for less than 24 hours.
Post removed 
Viridian, this will be my last response to you on the Audiogon forum regarding any subject other than directly related audio discussion.

The controversial dialog you seek to draw from me would dwarf the controversy regarding a fabulous sounding $40 power cord. I suspect you know this.

I am not here to create or fuel any controversy. I will not respond to your request other than to reiterate that you are welcome to contact me privately regarding your concerns.

I come to the Audiogon website to learn about products and techniques that will improve my enjoyment of my home audio system. Occasionally I am able to reciprocate and provide some information to someone else. I also enjoy commentary here regarding subjective, but still audio related, topics like "Best Music" etc. For the most part I have been blessed by the Audigon community. I hope it stays that way.

Good day.