HELP Federal Express broke it and WON'T PAY

The speakers were shipped Fed Ex COD insured for the value paid ($1800) purchased used from a private party. One speaker was chipped slightly on the side during shipping. It was packed in original packing. It will cost $400 to repair plus round trip shipping plus $80 for a new box.

Fed Ex is refusing to pay because I don't have an "original sales invoice". Perverse luck would have it, the seller has moved overseas.

What's frustrating is that every person at Fed Ex that I speak with is an automoton. They act like a robot quoting rules. I used to love to use Fed Ex and happily pay extra for it. Now I would go out of my way to avoid using them.

I need some help here. How to break through the beaurocratic nonsense and get this claim paid! Is there someone HUMAN I can contact at Fed Ex about this? Do I have to take this to small claims court?

Thank you.
I don't believe there is any human working for FedEx. They are all computer-generated cybernetic automatons which sole purpose is to recite the rules back to the unfortunate customers.

Seriously, I recently had one package with FedEx that had a bad address. The last digit of the street number was wrong. It took seven separate phone calls and three attempted deliveries to correct that issue. Every person I talked to at FedEx had no clue what was going on in the local level, and I was not permitted to speak with the local FedEx office directly. The shipper seems to be a staunch believe in FedEx and kept telling me that it would have been worse with UPS. It may be so, but curiously enough I haven't had any problem with my local UPS branch.
How did you pay for it? Do you have a record of that or an email record with the price in it to use as proof to FedEx? Walter
Do they offer any alternative to settle the claim? If so, as long as you don't accept it the claim will remain open and will get someone's attention. They should come back to you after a few weeks wanting to close the claim. At that time you can get a real person to hassle back at. That seems to be the only way to get a carbon-based life form to have a dialog with. But, they have to be willing to offer an alternative which, it sounds like, they haven't done yet.
They want a receipt from YOU, not the original seller. I had this happen with a NAK PA-7 amp, and went through the same hassles.They do have a claim form, and they do have an 800 number. It took me 4 months , but they finally paid. Michael
There should be a claims manager you can talk to . The fastest way would be to get a manager on the phone . Or if possible go top the local regional office and talk to someone. You can also try to get a managers number from a local business or company who uses a lot of fedex as they usually have the business card of a manager. They dropped my CJ preamp and were pretty cool about paying. 1 file claim. 2 They will inspect unit at your premises. 3. review all info 4. pay claim.
Just give them all the paperwork they require.