Best Sounding Power Cord

In recent trials with many hyper expensive power cords, I have found the following to be the best sound. As everyone knows that the power source off the wall most likely has about 40' - 80' run of 15 or 20 amp rated inside house wiring before it hits the outlet. Then it makes a mechanical connection from the out let to the power cord via a great connector like watt gate, then through very highly shielded 6' run of power cable with high gauge rated at 50 amps or so, then thorugh 15 or 20 amp IEC where it makes another mechanical connection to the source. Well try this; run the house wiring (via dedicated) directly through the wall post bypassing the outlet, and terminate direct to the 15 or 20 amp IEC with each positive, Neutral, ground isolated via teflon tube. Then heat shrink the three tubes with a very good weaved jacket and plug it in directly to your amp. When I did this, the sound was fast, clean, and no holds barred. By eliminating the outlet and feeding directly into the amp via IEC termination the sound came alive. Go figure, if you use 40' - 80' of regular house wire, what makes you think that 6' of super high gauge wire would make any difference since the power coming through the house wire is only rated at 15 - 20 amps depending on what gauge you use. Also by bypassing many mechanical connectors you also eliminate much loss of conductivity. Just spend a few bucks on the watt gate IEC and terminate directly to the wall cable. Nothing, I mean nothing even comes close and you don't have to throw away $3K or more on hyper expensive cables. Also try hard wiring the big power conditioner directly out of the wall. This makes a huge difference in many high current line conditioners like the Cinepro, or PS Audio 600 or 1200 or 2000 I'm sure. This will put many exotic high end power cord manufacture out of business, but I am sure they will have some quantum physic's explaination to argue what I have just heard in my system. Goodbye to my $3K power cord, hello electrician. A 4 dedicated 20 amp circuit anywhere in your house won't cost you more then $800 tops, unless you have a 10000 sqft mansion.
This is exactly how I reason also. Why don't people get it? But Where do you get a high quality IEC end? I've looked for months and only found a super cheap one but it still sounds great. Please tell me. I desperately need to know. I tried $800 power cords and they gave the impression that they made the music smoother and quieter but all they really did was limit dynamics! My homemade cord sounded much better! And thats not even terminating straight off the houses wire. Please Please tell me where to get the iec end. Right now I can only fit a stranded wire on to the one I have. I want to fit a solid core on it (the same as in the wall). I can't beg you any more. OK I will . please tell me.
Now that your wife has left you for me, Kacz, you have more to worry about than power cords for your audio system. And it was her idea, not mine...I may have to turn her out, just to make ends meet, since I just purchased a solid silver transformer for my 400 amp house AC mains supply. Have a nice life, I sure will!
Kacz, you can call kimber for iec, and you could look up P.S. Audio at there web site, they have a wire you can use from the box to your equipment if your looking to do that. Carl, your KILLING ME !!!! GREG