Best power cord for amp??

Just bought an Audio Research VT-100MKII. I need some suggestion for power cords. Please advise. Thanks
...with others on a Krell amplifier? I've tried a ton of different ones, and still haven't found what I want. I hope to try the Shunyatas soon, but it's tough waiting for them (kinda like buying gasoline last Thursday...what a bunch of bullcrap!). Someone ought to let me audition their Shunyatas. Mikela?
And I agree with "Bozo". The ESP Pro Flo is such a good value, it's spooky. A used one for around $150 would be impossible to pass up for the budget conscious. It beat the hell out of the Harmonic Technology cord when I compared them on my Krell amp. The only one I've heard so far that got better treble from my amp than the ESP (made CD's literally equal analog, in the treble) was the Magnan Signature. It wasn't dynamic enough, though.
MIT zipcord II works great on my Classe - took the soundstage way behind the front wall. Synergistic Master not as good as the MIT on the amp but outstanding on my digital front end.
I ALREADY USED SYNG.ds.sq.ref-NBS stetament II-Purist dominus and now all my AC cords are SHUNYATA king kobra.ı can easyly say that shunyata[BLACKmamba-kobra or king kobra] cables are very BEST....
Wait a minute !! This looks like a KING COBRA website, does the world revolve around a KC ? OK, just kidding now, I own cobra and a KC, the KC is used on my CD source. The KC is a revolutionary product. It's like EG's Fatman coupled with PS Audio's Power plant. The KC might be worth cashing in a few dot-com stocks. What I need to know is, what is "star dust" ?? Does anyone have a clue.