All cables are Neuteral?

Are there any interconnect cables that aren't neuteral? I don't listen to audiophile cd's. I listen to all real world recordings/ I am looking for cables that will some what mask the horrid sounding recordings i like. do such cables exsist, i get a kick out of cable reviews in magazines, every review goes goo goo ga ga over how neuteral the cables they are reviewing sound. Maybe what i'm Looking for deosen't even exsist, if i'm wrong, please let me know, i am looking for cables between amp and pre amp, and pre amp and cd player, rca cables only, not coax or toslink. please help/ are there any cables known for adding a nice golden texture to the sound of a system? gear mcintosh mc 42 pre amp mcintosh mc 353 power amp Cal audio cl10 5 disc changer
I always get a kick out reviewers - "neutral and dynamic" or "neutral and forgiving on the top end or rolled off." Isn't that inconsistent with neutral and who the h*#l wants neutral anyway. I don't go to a concert and turn to my buddy when Keith Richards kicks in the opening riff to Honky Tonk Women or EC rips into Layla and say "boy that sure is neutral!" I like it because it blows my freakin doors off and that is what music is supposed to do. So IMHO too many reviewers go googoo over electronics and forget the music and too many audiophiles line up at the bookstore waiting for the next issue to see what to buy next. So que up your fav CD or record and if it moves you don't worry if it's neutral or not!!!!
Gee. I guess if we weren't trying to get the most out of our systems IN ORDER TO MAXIMIZE OUR ENJOYMENT OF THE MUSIC IN THE FIRST PLACE, we would take your advice. But since we are, who are you to disparriage us? I don't go buy what a magazine recommends, and neither does anybody else on here. We try before we buy.........................We're all at least as hip as you think you are, pops, and we've all seen the Stones at least once. And those of us with common sense wore earplugs most of the time, or else we were all the way at the other end of the arena, where Showco's FOH arrays didn't deafen us...LIKE IT'S DONE TO YOU, perhaps. Sheesh, if I here "it's about the music" one more time, I might get enraged, or something. WE ALL KNOW IT'S ABOUT THE MUSIC, or we wouldn't be going to the trouble to make our system perform at such a high level!
...You've got it right Carl. Pops needs to recognize the really important difference between "critical listening" and listening for enjoyment. Personally, I spend over 90% of my listening time in the enjoyment category, and the rest "critical listening". And as for the audiophile vocabulary, it's necessary for effective commication with others about music quality, character, and system improvement. If I'm drunk, a clock radio cranked up can "move me" (with the right music); and a live concert is a totally different experience and has nothing to do with critical listening-- except that it MAY serve as a reference in future listening sessions,IMHO. Cheers. Craig
Hello Korn ! A lot of words spilled here. thats what people do, audiophiles or not, they don't listen or read really, but start shouting about all sort of things besides the question.. The question WAS, does anybody know of cables who repeatedly mask the sound in a way that they dull or 'warm' up the sound. Answer; i know of such a cable, after listening in so many setups and experience from audiofriends, i can heartedly advise to go for a used pair of MONSTER M 1500 cables. they do just what you ask for. question = answered. thank you. may the music touch you all.
Korn there is only so much you can do to improve poor recordings, as you suggest many rock/alt especially from 60/70s are bright with too much presence. Three serious suggestions that are still high end solutions. 1)IC:Harmonic Tech Truthlink, adds warmth with good detail.....Skip Monster ICs, poor performance for money. 2)Point speakers straight ahead, no toe-in, this will minimize treble energy, make sure major reflecting surfaces are rug on floor in front of speakers 3)Any recording that is bright use "Auric Illuminator" treatment which will also add warmth and smooth out. regards..........Sam
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