Power Cord for CAT

Anyone had experence which power cord are best for CAT
I have a CAT SL-1 III with phono, and at first I was using a homemade power cord that I liked better than Classe and Cardas power cords I've had before. (I've sold some of mine to audio professionals--they're not too bad.) But the Stealth HAC power cord I have now is worlds better. In the first 10 seconds, I thought it was adding an edge to an instrument's sound. I quickly realized that the edge was in the recording, which I was simply hearing more clearly. See this cord at www.interlinkhouse.com, click on "Products". I All Stealth cables come with a 30-day money-back guarantee. I hope you don't pay more than you hve to for a lesser cord.
I have the Ultimade version. I am currently using the ESP essence with excellent result. The bass is even more solid, more details and quieter background. The difference is not subtle at all. Give it a try. This power cord is actually recommended by Ken Stevens for the CAT Preamp.
I love the Granite Audio #555. For the money it kills a lot of the more expensive power cords.
I have found the CAT Ultimate to be pretty much immune to the several power cords I have tried on it. I have tried the ESP Essence based on the recommendations of others and this thread. I was disappointed with the results as I didn't notice a great deal of difference. Then, I tried the Essence on my Pass Aleph 4 power amp. The bass was heavier, but not deeper. Overall, it was not an improvement. I went back to the stock power cord on the CAT and continue to use the Audioquest AC-12 on the Pass Amp, vowing to not waste any more money on aftermarket power cords.