Power cords at ridiculous prices?

Seems to me there's no shortage of "black magic" out there, people spending $1000 on power cords? If the equipment you own is well designed with hefty power supplies and adequate capacitive filtering on-board, the grunge from the AC lines will be dealt with. I'm not discounting upgrading stock cords with something of a little better quality, but it seems to me spending the equivalent of a mortgage payment, on a piece of wire, makes us audiophiles the subject of ridicule by any reasonable person. Okay, I'll stand back now and take my lumps....
I recently purchased two used Tara Labs Prism power chords (thanks again, John H.!!!!)here at AudioGon. I connected one to my Creek 4240SE. The improvement was without doubt. I have not compared these to a megabuck cable, though. So, I suppose that I'm agreeing with your original point...for now.
Here is the issue: power cords are part of the circuit path. The reason? GROUND. The ground signal is part of the audio chain and if it gets mucked up so will everything else.
I have been very pleased with the Standard VansEvers power cords that sell for around $150.00 depending on length. Cannot see spending $1000 unless that is for multiple cords for every component in the system.
Power cords are in series with the mains supply, and that determines how your components perform, the same way a fuel line/pump affects the way fuel gets to an engine.
I don't understand the point of this discussion, of course a good $1000 cord will sound better than a good $250 cord, just like a Mercedes performs better than a Honda Accord. The only question is can you afford it, and will it be the best use of money for your system.........it is foolish to even suggest that there is no real performance increase compared to cheaper cables, and you are just buying "black magic".........$1000+ maybe overpriced, but so is a Mercedes at full sticker price, most people are happy with the Honda....regards, Sam