Record cleaner recs?

OK, so I've made the mistake of jumping back into vinyl. It only took me a week to stop being bothered by clicks and pops. I'm also finding more vinyl available than I ever thought I would. (in addition to the nearly 1000 stored in the closet) At this time I'm looking for a record cleaner. Since I only spent $500 on my TT I initially went cheap and got the Allsop Orbitrac. Not bad, but certainly not great. I understand Disc Doctor has manual cleaning system that is supposedly pretty good, but now I'm considering the Disc Doctor II that I saw on Audio Advisor. As I keep looking, the VPI 16.5 sounds intruiging. I'm not sure I can justify spending as much for a cleaner as I did for my turntable. I'd like to get some ideas as to what most people are using to clean their albums with. (at least those with more modest systems). Is there really that much of a difference in the vacuum models? Any input would be appreciated.
Whoever told you about the Disk Doctor solution/felt pads cleaning system was "right on". Even my old albums sound like new! I know it sounds too good to be true, it's not even expensive. This is what they use in museums on old collections. Get rid of the pops, already. Then get a new stylus (shape) that rides on the sides of the grooves, not in the bottom of the groove.
Once you get any crap off with the above stuff, a cheap way to clean them before each play is the Discwasher D4 Cleaner and fluid.
I do not know if they still make it (think so) but there was/is a 3 step system made by a company named "Last". One bottle is a deep cleaning fluid, then a preservative fluid and then a regular daily cleaner. I use to have it and was very satisfied.
Unless you vacuum your records, the poor things will never know the wonderful feeling of being completely clean. The VPI 16.5 is an excellent machine, and if, as I suspect, you're going to be buying used records, it's an investment that'll pay for itself many times over. Remember... A dirty record is the Devil's playground. John
VPI makes a fine product, but for comparison look at Nitty Gritty. This is from a note I wrote some time ago, copied since I type like a sloth. Nitty Gritty machines are non re-contaminating - If you ever buy records that are used, they may be in fine shape except for a layer of dust and dirt. Some machines require you to clean using a tube on the top while setting the dirty side on a full size platter. When cleaning the other side, you either have to clean the platter first (difficult given the material) or set the just cleaned side onto a dirty platter. This may not be an issue to you unless you’re a perfectionist. Nitty Gritty record cleaning machines only have contact with your LP’s label and the edge of the record. The fragile grooves only contact is with the soft micro-fiber VAC SWEEP lip. No dirt to get back into the grooves. Bi-directional cleaning - All Nitty Gritty’s with automatic rotation (Model 1.5 on up) have this potential. Apply fluid to the VAC SWEEP as normal. Use a second manual scrubbing brush to apply fluid and scrub the top side while your machine is scrubbing the bottom. Allow the record to rotate and scrub two or three revolutions then flip the record and repeat. Your now going in the opposite direction! Handy for the super filthy stuff. Then activate vacuum as normal to remove debris. Low cost replaceables - The only replaceables, outside of the capstan which is replaced rarely and is easy to do (cost: $14.95 for a pack of four), is the velvet-soft VAC-SWEEP which get replaced only occasionally, and are $14.95 for a pack of four. The competitive product is $19.95 for one! Direct-coupled Vacuum slot - With the exception of the double sided models which have an arm tube, all the other Nitty Gritty models have no moving tubes, arm pivots, etc . The vacuum is right below the specially designed hemispherical lip. That means higher vacuum velocity and a lower likely hood of service. SPEED - This may not seem like an issue now, but think about your computer and what is was like when you tried a faster one.