Best Tonearm match for ZYX Airy 1000X

I am upgrading my system, ,slowly.

I am going with the (Zeeex)1000. It has a compliance rateing of 15. I am leaning towards the Graham 2.2 or the Origin Live Illustrious. Other arms may be suggested, but no linear tracking please. I like tweaking, but only with what I know.

-My J.A. Michell gyroDec [highly modified] will likely stay.
-Ear834P [modified by GreatNorthernSound] will also likely stay (100 Ohm).
-Placette Passive [no complaints so far](Wyetech Opal, Hovland, Cat?, as possible choices.)
-Canary 301MkII {300b PushPull using JJ Tesla Tubes} also no complaints.
-Acoustic Zen Silver ReferenceII/Satori Shotgun.
-ProAc Responce 2 (15 years old and they still sing)(If I upgrade it will likely be to the Coincident line???)

Both of those tonearms are great ones, and with the compliance rating of 15cu on the ZYX, I don't think you really have to worry about matching with either of them. Pick the one you like best.

If you want to split hairs, the OL Illustrious will likely provide better bass response, and the Graham may be a touch more liquid in the mids. I think the OL Illustrious will be significantly less money than the Graham, so that may tilt things in its direction.

I prefer the Illustrious because of its gimbal-bearing design, but it is very hard to find fault with a Graham 2.2. Either one will be an awesome sounding combination with that ZYX Airy.