Best Tonearm match for ZYX Airy 1000X

I am upgrading my system, ,slowly.

I am going with the (Zeeex)1000. It has a compliance rateing of 15. I am leaning towards the Graham 2.2 or the Origin Live Illustrious. Other arms may be suggested, but no linear tracking please. I like tweaking, but only with what I know.

-My J.A. Michell gyroDec [highly modified] will likely stay.
-Ear834P [modified by GreatNorthernSound] will also likely stay (100 Ohm).
-Placette Passive [no complaints so far](Wyetech Opal, Hovland, Cat?, as possible choices.)
-Canary 301MkII {300b PushPull using JJ Tesla Tubes} also no complaints.
-Acoustic Zen Silver ReferenceII/Satori Shotgun.
-ProAc Responce 2 (15 years old and they still sing)(If I upgrade it will likely be to the Coincident line???)

I have just returned from Applause Audio here in Toronto. Rob has Graham, SME, Origin Live, Rega and other arms in his store. He seams to love the RS Labs Uni-pivot arm best. It is also less expensive than most of the others.

Does anyone have any info on this arm?.
I will change my vote based on experience found since initially posting. The Graham will have a HUGE edge over the Illustrious in the mids and not too much difference in the lower end, IMHO.

If you match the 1000 with the 2.2, I'd love to hear a report of the results.

The RD is one arm that I have not auditioned but would like to do so.
Which would you prefer the Graham 2.2 or the Basis Vector ?
What arm would you put with a Koetsu Rosewood Signature Platinum or a Shelter 901? I am waiting for my Teres 340 and have already bought the Koetsu and Shelter cartridges.