Best MC Cartridge $300.00 or less

Decided to try a Moving Coil phone cartridge. Turntable is a Harmon Kardon T 60 and pre amp id Threshold FET 2. Any suggestions?
Gary, I absolutely *love* the K-1. I ordered mine after having a demo home for just two days, and haven't looked back since. Other than my SC-Vs, the Ayre is the only component in my system I've never even considered replacing. Best Wishes, Felix
felix, is your k1 the latest *x* version? if not, are ya tinkin' about upgrading it? thanx, doug
Hi Doug. My K-1 is a little over three years old, and yea, I've been kinda thinking about the upgrade. I'm just so satisfied with the product that I'm afraid to spoil a good thing. Have you heard anything about the "x" version? Best Wishes, Felix
hi felix, i've only heard what ayre had to say - as it's off-topic of this thread, i forwarded it directly to you... doug
To "fear" and "Dls": Any help I have been able to afford anyone through this forum is VERY DEFINITELY NOT DANGEROUS TO A SOLITARY SOUL. And John, What'll you do if I don't go away? Nothing, that's what! (I'm in 2000 now, apparently you want to hold on to 1999. Why not join the rest of us?) I was discussing the Phonomena, and this guy who laughingly thinks he should be "feared" says I shouldn't talk about what I don't know about. All I said was, I DOUBT (read that again, you blowhard...I'm free to doubt, at least as much or more than you are free to do so...) that the Dynavector "blows away" the BPS............................And you know what, I still DOUBT it, my demented acquaintence! You both might want to take a few lessons in audio and manners yourselves (make sure the teacher can hear, and is polite, it takes hold THIS time). Might I suggest bootcamp in Afghanistan? I hear their mortars are very musical....Keep it on audio, or you'll both be gone from here sooner or later. And those same "best wishes" to you both...