Best MC Cartridge $300.00 or less

Decided to try a Moving Coil phone cartridge. Turntable is a Harmon Kardon T 60 and pre amp id Threshold FET 2. Any suggestions?
That was my last cart. (25fl)I think you should inform us your findings? Good luck!
Gary, I absolutely *love* the K-1. I ordered mine after having a demo home for just two days, and haven't looked back since. Other than my SC-Vs, the Ayre is the only component in my system I've never even considered replacing. Best Wishes, Felix
felix, is your k1 the latest *x* version? if not, are ya tinkin' about upgrading it? thanx, doug
Hi Doug. My K-1 is a little over three years old, and yea, I've been kinda thinking about the upgrade. I'm just so satisfied with the product that I'm afraid to spoil a good thing. Have you heard anything about the "x" version? Best Wishes, Felix
hi felix, i've only heard what ayre had to say - as it's off-topic of this thread, i forwarded it directly to you... doug