laid back, warm interconnects with tight bass clean highs

can someone suggest RCA interconnects for a laid back, warm mids, tight bass and extended highs but not harsh at all. Must be super smooth.
It may depend on how much you would like to spend. If you are looking for a very cost effective choice, you should go the the InnerSound web site. The offer an excellent and inexpensive interconnect that is quite good.
Sean is probably right, but if Cardas doesn't work out, check out Harmonic Technology's "Truthlink". If you can live with deep, but not the tightest bass, it is a lovely and unsurpassed cable in its' price range and has the other qualities you are looking for in abundance.
I have found my Tara Air2 and Air3 to meet your criteria after a generous break-in of 50 to 75 hours. They are neutral and extended but can be very revealing if you have problems in the HF. The bass is very tight and controlled. However, I recommend you audition a pair for yourself in your own system.
Van den Hul lst and 2nd.....relaxing, smooth, the warm side of neutral but not too dynamic....great at low level retreival. When played at low volume they do not drop out the bass like some cables can.....all in all, a fine interconnect....I've owned both.....replaced with acoustic zen matrix......more expensive but another level......cheers, Bluenose.....welcome back everyone....
You can also try AudioMagic. I've tried several models in two different systems, and they seem to approximate your description. The entry level models are very reasonable.
Good luck, Ed