Vinyl vs. CD

Hey out there,I've been listening to a high quality CD playback system for the past couple years and have recently become interested in going to turntable rig.(I still have an LP collection).I have a quality tube pre with phono and decided to buy an inexpensive turntable to spin some of my old favorites (Rega 2 with grado silver) I had no pre-conceived notion of what would sound better,I just remember the enjoyment I got from playing Hendrix, Rolling Stones ect.on an a good ole' record player.After listening to the Rega for a few days I switched back to CD's (Meridian 500 trans 566/24 dac)and found that the remastered CD issues of the same LP's sounded alot better.Must I drop several K's to experience "Vinyl Dreams" ?
Tubegroover, you're correct to be suspicious of the post, simply because I did not write it. Clearly someone's registered my moniker here, and is having some fun with this forum. Best Wishes, Felix
Please explain. Tubegroover: do you agree or not with Fear3000's previous post now that he disowns it ? Fear3000: do you prefer CDs or vinyl ?
Sedond, I'll not reveal it, simply for the reason that no matter what it is, guys like you will say things like you said ("just imagine how good it would be if you would just get a better one"). You know what? You don't even know what it is, nor have you heard it in my system, so frankly I don't need to hear what you have to say about it. It's irrelevant, and mere speculation. I'd also lay odds that you don't really think much of the rest of my equipment, either. That's fine, you aren't the arbiter of good sound. You don't decide what's what....thank goodness!
Hexenboden I agree that digital is improving. I am really taken with some of the remasterings and prefer many to their vinyl counterparts. But as stated above, all things being equal so far as the recording is concerned, analog playback is better. Even on my modest rig, which is old, it is all too obvious. On a great analog set-up on the order of Albert’s with his absolute attention to ALL the details and set-up, the superiority and sheer musical enjoyment would be obvious to all who would listen. I don’t for a second doubt it. I now recognize the need to upgrade mine because the fact is I have more albums than CD's and it is worth it to me to do so. I currently listen to digital more than vinyl because of convenience. I would say I am currently 70/30. When digital was far worse than it currently is, I spent much more time listening to vinyl. If I were just getting started I would certainly be looking at the future of digital as my primary format. Digital will in the near future, I feel certain, offer that continuousness found in the very best analog along with the obvious benefits it has over analog. It is a matter of time. But I suspect this argument will continue on as long as there are die-hard analogphiles around. So far as Fear3000 post is concerned, I was quite surprised at the original post and it is the reason I commented. I have read his posts on AA and those who are familiar with him would be surprised at those remarks. He is a dedicated knowledgeable analog lover who I have learned much from.
carl, i think ewe have an *excellent* vinyl rig, an *excellent* cd-player, an *exellent* amp. i owned the fono-stage ewe use, & dint care for it - a bit too dry for my tastes, but perhaps it matches better w/yer benz cartridge, which is known for being warm, than it did w/my ortofon. i can't comment about your speakers, as i don't recall them; or your preamp, cuz it's a secret. my *only* interest in these threads is to help audiophiles get the best sound for their dollars; the only speculation i see here is ewe feeling i'd make fun of your preamp. kind of absurd. i'm only the arbiter of what makes good sound in *my* system. same goes for you, i'm sure. but, i've found it very helpful learning about other's experiences in *their* systems. it's too bad ewe seem to make decisions based upon what ewe speculate are someone's ulterior motives, than to yust accept their comments at face-value. i've always felt open, honest discussion was key to learning, not yust in audio. regards, doug