Inteligent high end cableing

Good grief.....I thought mating my electronics, speakers and budget was tough, but getting any consistancy with cableing advice seems impossible. I have recently acquired Proceed HPA3 amp (250/Ch), Proceed AVP pre-amp, Proceed PMDT DVD transport and will be linking them to either Watt Puppies 5.1 or to Revel Salons (there's a conversation right there). However, my real issue is what speaker cableing will match this setup. I can rationalize spending $40,000 on my system, but cannot get past $895 per foot for Audioquest top of the line. There's got to be a better 'mousetrap'. Any intelligent advice will be appreciated.
I don't see in the previous comments that you've been given a clear star to steer by. As always, after using a lot of name brands over 40 years, then making my own from expensive Kimber AGSS and AGSC, I think you'd be making a big mistake not to check out for STEALTH cables. I have a flock of them in my current system, and they are NOT just tweaks! If you come to that conclusion, something else is badly wrong with your system. You can try them free except for shipping, given the 30-day money-back guarantee.
Tom_nice is right. Give any free offer a try then you'll find what's good for your system.
I use Jenalabs interconnects and find that they were a major improvement in my system of Krell,Wadia and Aerial Acoustics. They are a small company, with great reviews if you can find them (Positive Feedback in the spring issue). I have heard great things about their speaker cables also. Check out their websight and call Jennifer there. She gave me great info and a lot of time.
Try Wen-Li will let you audition different cables and their service is excellent.
I have not tried as many brands as some of the participants here, and I don't know what would happen in a face-off with your equipment and the other brands mentioned, but, many, many people have offered testimonials to Harmonic Technology cabeling, prefering it over the "highest end" cables. I think it would be worth a try. Many dealers offer a 30 day in home trial( with some qualifiers). My experience is that on rare occasions a special synergy occurs between components and cables that trounces other brands, no matter what the cost, so you must compare two or three brands.I would try Harmonic Tech, just in case. Sometimes they can be a giant killer. I am very satisfied with mine. I agree that a "used" able can be a great value. With so much upgrading going on I have gotten many immaculate cables at 60% below retail, right here at Audiogon. These guys have some good advice here. Tom has been helpful on some occasions, and so has Blbloom (nice rig).