Hopefully soon.
Im trying to finish off my HT rig right now, will do the 2 channel later. Ive been jonsin to watch "Matrix revolutions" and "return of the king" on a decent setup. Right now what i have doesent cut it.
Im looking at using MMG-W's for the l/r/sl/sr with MMGc for the center. Ill be driving the fronts with my Denon-Poa2800 amp, and the cneter/surrounds off the reciever. Denon states my AVR3805 can run a 4 ohm load and magnepans website says these are 4 ohm on one page and 5 ohm on another. I figure it might not tax the power supply so much if it is only powering 3 5ohm speakers instead of 7, especially if 2 of those are only surrounds, and then im gonna start working on getting a good multichannel amp. maybe a Marantz MM9000.
So hopefully i will be able to get the Maggies for the l/r channel in the next few weeks. :)
I may put them off for a little while tho, there is a brick&mortar up here selling brand new pairs of Velodyne DLS3750(ithink) for about 1/2 price. If they still have this offer going when i have the money im jumping on that. A pair of velo's will be fine for my HT needs. Plus the radioshack speakers sound WAY BETTER than the sub im currently runnin.
I'm gonna do the maggie on-walls just to keep the number of "Speakers" down in the living room cause that's where the 2 channel is gonna go as well, but in a different spot. Those things look more like acccoustical treatments than speakers. ;)
Gotta do something about the speakers tho, i have about 4k in the front end, with a speaker setup that is worth about 50 bucks.